


Want to Build Your Sales Muscle?

“Every salesperson has to learn the art, science and magic of selling. But it can be scary, and lonely at the start. Build Your Sales Muscle is a handbook about Sales and Alliances and how to nail the Sales game.”

In the earlier days, as a newbie sales professional, Devesh had a huge “fear of rejection”. He often found himself wondering on ways to overcome the fears that impacted his sales game. This book is for every salesperson who wants to build their sales muscle and shares insights from sales research and his sales journey. It starts with lessons on building a strong foundation by addressing the obstacles and developing the right sales attitude. It then maps the stakeholders who are part of the sales lifecycle. It sheds insights on a sales management and alliances framework. This handbook gives an opportunity to the reader to reflect on their own sales journey and apply the tips and templates to build their own sales muscle and become even better at nailing the game.

If you order directly clicking this link, all sales proceeding will go to GBTC Trust

क्या आप अपनी बिक्री की ताकत बनाना चाहते हैं?

“प्रत्येक विक्रेता को बेचने की कला, विज्ञान और जादू सीखना होगा। लेकिन शुरुआत में यह डरावना और अकेला हो सकता है। अपनी बिक्री की ताकत बनाएं”

बिल्ड योर सेल्स मसल्स,  एक हैंडबुक है जो आपको सेल्स गेम में बेहतर बनाने में प्रेरित करेगी। यह पुस्तिका उन सभी सेल्स प्रोफेशनल्स के लिए है जो अपनी सेल्स मसल्स बनाना चाहते है और अपनी सेल्स यात्रा से प्राप्त अंतर्दृष्टि को सबके साथ साझा करना चाहते हैं।देवेश को अपने शुरुआती दिनों में, एक नए सेल्स प्रोफेशनल के रूप में,  ‘फीयर ऑफ रिजेक्शन’ सताता था। वह अक्सर उन फीयर्स को दूर करने के तरीको के बारे में सोचते थे, जिससे उनका सेल्स गेम प्रभावित होता था। इसका उल्लेख उन्होंने पहले भाग में किया है कि कैसे उन बाधाओं को संबोधित करके और बेहतर सेल्स  दृष्टिकोण विकसित करके एक मजबूत नींव बनाई। इसके बाद यह आपको सेल्स प्रक्रिया में कैसे नेविगेट करें, उसके बारे में बहुत सरलता से समझाती है और अंतिम भाग में सेल्स लीडर कैसे,लगातार बदलते परिवेश में एक प्रभावशाली ढंग से अपनी टीम को प्रेरित करते हुए निर्धारित गोल्स को हासिल करने का विवरण करती है। हर प्रकरण में व्यक्तिगत अनुभव, सीखे और सुझाव उल्लिखित है, और अंत में आत्मचिन्तनशील प्रश्न है जिनका उत्तर देकर आप स्पष्टता के साथ उन पर अमल कर अपनी सेल्स मसल्स को मजबूती से बिल्ड कर पाएंगे।

If you order directly clicking this link, all sales proceeding will go to GBTC Trust

Sales and Leadership Coach

What I Do ?

Sales Training

Are you looking to boost your sales performance and drive significant growth? With over 25 years of experience in Sales, I offer transformative sales training programs that are tailored to meet your unique business needs. My training sessions focus on practical strategies and actionable plans that empower your team to achieve remarkable results.

Sales Consultant

Are you ready to take your sales performance to the next level? Book a personalized sales consulting session with me and leverage over two decades of expertise to unlock your team's potential. My consulting services are designed to provide actionable insights and strategic guidance tailored to your business needs.

Sales Courses

Sales Courses are part of sales training it can help improve with new techniques and we are getting the new courses ready by end of this year. By focusing on the right topics during a sales training seminar, you can influence the success of teams and optimize your training efforts. Knowing which topics to focus on can help you design helpful training tools for a team.

About Author

Devesh believes and follows the mantra of “Tie your shoes and run towards your Goal”. In the last two decades working in Sales and Alliances, he has set goals of growth and worked relentlessly towards them with a high dose of passion and the attitude to slay. Devesh has worked with global organizations and built high-performing sales teams which have been part of many multi-million dollar sales deals. Devesh believes that meaningful relationships are built on trust and are instrumental in the sales lifecycle. Devesh is a certified Professional Coach, Keynote Speaker and a Social Entrepreneur.